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"If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done"

Thomas Jefferson

Old City Street
Travelmates: Quote
Colorful Boat Ride


Who I'm traveling with

Here you will find a short introduction to those who are experiencing the wonder of Croatia with me and all it has to offer

Travelmates: Team Members
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Brittany Haines

Hello! I'm Brittany and I'm going into my senior year at York College of Pennsylvania, where I have a dual major of Human Services and Spanish. I'm super passionate about traveling and helping others, and would like to join the Peace Corps after graduation. 
If I could have dinner with anyone it would probably be Blake Lively, just because I am obsessed with her and think she's awesome. 
On this trip, I'm exciting for the culture, the sights, and of course the food. I'm also really excited to meet new people and get to know all of you. 😊

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Dionisio Altamura

Hello everyone, my name is Dionisio and I will be [the] Tour Director!

Most of [the travelers] know me already, and for the few others: we are going to have so much fun!!!!!

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Rachel Harvey

My name is Rachel and I am a native Philadelphian. I graduated from Penn State in 2015 with BA's in English Rhetoric and Spanish linguistics, neither of which I use for my day job as a salesperson for LG and Samsung. This will be my 4th trip with EFUB, but I'm super excited to visit Croatia.
If I could have dinner with any person, it would totally be Johnny Depp. I feel like he'd be inebriated in some way, and the conversation would be amazingly hilarious.
I'm a huge Game of Thrones fan, so I'm extremely excited to see where they filmed some of the most infamous scenes in Croatia. I went to Iceland this September past and saw a bunch of Game of Thrones filming locs as well, so I'm clearly obsessed.

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Anne Elizabeth

My name is Anne. I’m a high school teacher in the Chicago suburbs. Repeat EF traveler - super excited! 
If I could have dinner with one person, it would be Dave Matthews. Love his music. My sister has met him. So jealous. 
I’m most excited about the culture and site seeing.

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Katalyn Lutkin

My name is Katalyn, I am from Colorado, and am just finishing up my Masters in History. This is my third EF trip and I am so excited! 
If I could have dinner with anyone it would have to be with Lucrezia Borgia. As a Pope's daughter with a scandalous past, I'm sure she would be an interesting person to talk with!
I'm most excited to see and experience the culture and explore a different part of Europe from my normal travels.

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Georgina Mears

I’m Georgina, originally from England but now live in Los Angeles which is where I attend FIDM to receive my bachelor in Social Media. 
If I could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, I would say my granddad as I never met him but I’d love to hear all of his stories! 
I am most excited to explore Croatia and to explore it with my bestie, Whitney Sutherland who is also coming on this trip! 
Get ready for a trip of a life time all! So excited!!!!!

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Whitney Sutherland

My name is Whitney and I currently live in Los Angeles. I am originally from North Carolina. In addition to being a full-time Business Management student at FIDM, I also work full time as FIDM’s Senior Social Media Coordinator.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would definitely be Jesus....obviously. Or Chris Martin from Coldplay.

I am super stoked for this Croatian adventure with my best friend, Georgina --- and you all, too! I am a photographer, so Georgina and I will be the photo QUEENS. Prepare yourselves.

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Braxton Hynes

Sup I'm Braxton, living in Scottsdale, Arizona! 
I'm currently a major fan of Rick Steves, the dad guy that writes all those guidebooks. He changed the way I travel, and I just think he's precious, so I choose him [to have dinner with] lol.
I'm so excited for sailing and the scenic views.

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Emily Car

I’m Emily, I’m an electrical engineer for the government, living in beautiful coastal Maine.

For my ideal dinner date would have to be Anthony Bourdain. He was just so interesting in his travels and snarkiness. Also I can only picture this dinner to be a hole in the wall dive bar or a Michelin star restaurant.

 This is my third trip with EF (and third trip with my friend Katelyn Crouch) and I’m really excited to explore all the little islands in Croatia. I look forward to trying all the different wines, delicious food, and seeing the history of this cool country. nothing in-between. I look forward to meeting [everyone], and seeing Caroline and Danielle again for another fabulous tour with Dio.

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Elizabeth Lea Elmer

I’m Elizabeth and I’m from a really small town in Indiana. I currently work in Cincinnati as a Marketing Coordinator while simultaneously getting my Master’s in Communication from Purdue University, so I’m definitely looking forward to taking a break with this vacation. 😅
As for the dinner date, I’d have to say Robert Downey Jr. I’m a huge Marvel fan and I love his take on Tony Stark. Plus he just seems like a fun guy that could keep a conversation going.
I’m really excited about this trip, but the hook for me was Game of Thrones. I love the show and the book series it’s based on, so it’ll be cool to see the sights. I also really enjoyed my recent EF trip to Greece, and Croatia seemed like a similar spot. I noticed some familiar faces in this group, so it’ll be nice to see them again, and I look forward to getting to know the people I haven’t met yet!

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Caroline Bunge

I am a TV Producer for the Colorado Avalanche, currently living in the Denver area.
I don’t know who’d I’d be dying to have dinner with, maybe Gordon Ramsey? I love him I think he’s brilliant, brutally honest, and hilarious (plus an entertaining British accent!)
I am so excited to meet up with some past EF friends from my last trip as we tour Croatia! I’m looking forward to another exciting adventure and amazing memories.

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Bianca Galvan

My name is Bianca and this is my 3rd EF tour. I am from Los Angeles and I teach 2nd grade.
If I could have dinner with anybody it would have to be Rihanna, I just love how much of a rebel she is ✊🏽
I am looking forward to drinking and eating my way through all these islands. I am also excited about all the amazing beaches.

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Sarah Dime

Hi friends! I’m Sarah from Palatine, IL.

If I could have dinner with anyone in the world right would be my boyfriend Mike. ❤️ Sappy I know. But he is stationed overseas in Italy so we are super long distance and I’ll take what I can get. PS. We met on my last EF trip too.... 😬

This will be my second EF trip. The first one changed my life (literally) and I can’t wait to reunite with my soulmates (DeeNicoleAna, & Xristi) who I met on the first trip w Dio. (Can’t wait to celebrate our one year anniversary on the 30th).🚢⚓️

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Monica Olivan

Hi everyone! I am born and raised in beautiful sunny San Diego, California.
If I could have dinner with anyone of my choosing, dead or alive, I’d have to say Dalai Lama.
What I’m most excited about this trip is getting to know new people, the food, and all the places we’ll get to explore.  😁

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Danielle Venne

Hi everyone! I’m from Massachusetts and this will be my second trip with EF.  I just graduated with my Masters in Epidemiology from UMass Amherst, and I’ve been looking forward to this trip ever since I booked it … three days into syllabus week of my Fall semester haha!
I’d choose to have dinner with the comedian John Mulaney, I think that’d be fun!
I’m looking forward to meeting everyone/ sharing this experience with you all, and catching up with some friends I made on my last trip.  I’m excited to see everything, but am particularly interested in the national parks, and the blue cave looks very cool!

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Sophie Tsoklis-Fishman

Hi guys! My name is Sophie!! I am from Los Angeles, California but I'm currently living in Arizona! 
If I could have dinner with one person it would probably be Ellen DeGeneres because she is my favorite person on this planet. 
I'm most excited about seeing all the beautiful beaches and exploring the towns! I'm also super excited to be going back to Europe (moved back from Switzerland a little bit ago)!

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Ashley Thomas

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Nicole Alvarado

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Dee Marie

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Ana Carina

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Steven Wirth

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Jake Rosmarin

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Katelyn Crouch

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Ryan Gyure

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